Thursday 22 August 2013

Broome & Manari Road to James Price Point

Arriving in Broome after being in the bush for over 2 months was great. We spent an awesome afternoon on the beach with a box of beer and a BBQ!

The famous Cable Beach camels below. We didn't have a ride though.

Sunset of the ocean. Always a great way to spend the afternoon.

The second full day in Broome we decided to drive up the Manari Rd which passes by several northern beaches. The start of the Manari Rd. is about 10km up the Cape Leveque Rd.

The first feature we came to was Bared Creek which is a small inlet just north of a Broome.

We drove all the way to the mouth which was stunning with crystal clear water and pure white sand.

To the right of the creek rises an ancient reef system with some amazing little beaches. You can free camp here too which would have been great.


Further down the Manari Rd. and we took another turnoff to Quondong Point which is another amazing part of the coastline with free camping right beside the pristine beaches.

Further again up the Manari Rd. and we reached James Price Point. This is a must see spot if in the area as huge red cliffs plunge straight down on to the white beaches. Wow!

This is also the place for a proposed gas pipeline / port so there is a small protest camp there. I believe they have just won the fight and the plans will be squashed. I have to agree with the greenies on this one. 

Just a little further north looking back towards James Price.

The combination of white and red sand makes some crazy patterns on the beach. 

Back in Broome we checked out the point which also has some stunning rock formations. The shots below are looking east towards Cable Beach.

And a trip to Broome wouldn't be complete without a night at Sun Pictures outdoor cinema which is the oldest of its kind in the world (apparently).

The next day we had one last look at Cable Beach before heading to Derby for our Horizontal Falls tour!

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